Intraplás joins Lean & Green project

Food packaging company Intraplás partners with GS1 Portugal to boost decarbonization


Lisbon, february 7th of 2022: Food packaging company Intraplás, dedicated to the production and promotion of packaging solutions, is the latest addition to the Lean & Green program, the leading European certification program for self-regulatory initiatives adopted by companies and organizations aiming at reducing CO2 emissions related to logistics and transport operations.


Led in Portugal since late 2019 by the local GS1 member organization, GS1 Portugal, Lean & Green already gathers more than 600 companies worldwide and will now have the participation of Intraplás, a company with over 50 years of history that seeks to contribute to a more sustainable and efficient value chain by reducing their carbon footprint.

In addition to their solutions of packaging and extrusion, thermoforming or printing mechanisms, Intraplás’ activity comprises techniques of mixed plastics reusage, which enables the production of items such as hangers or pieces of furniture that, despite looking like wood, are made of recycled plastics.

Intraplás’ CEO, Duarte Faria, highlights company’s “clear ambition to make sustainable packaging broadly available to the market, without compromising the environment and food safety, something that boosted the adhesion to Lean & Green program”. Based on this premise, Duarte Faria adds that Intraplás’ participation “has reinforced our objectives even more, as it will help us implement the defined goals. This process will last for 5 years, and each level reached will be audited impartially by independent auditors that collaborate with GS1 Portugal within the scope of the Lean & Green program. Our aim is to improve performance and Intraplás’ contribution through more sustainable solutions”.

GS1 Portugal Executive Director, João de Castro Guimarães, welcomes Intraplás, noting that “this participation proves the key role sustainability increasingly assumes within companies’ strategies and objectives”. João de Castro Guimarães refers to Intraplás’ adhesion as “one of particular value”, highlighting the “solutions that Intraplás presents to the market through their product portfolio and solutions, giving a new lease of life to one of the most widely used materials in supply chains, across all industries and categories, with an impact on everyday life”.

“Lean & Green program makes a very important contribution to sustainability by rewarding companies that set themselves the ambitious objective of reducing the carbon dioxide emissions related to their logistics and transport operations. The first target set a minimum 20% reduction. It is with a deep sense of mission that we lead this program in Portugal and mobilize the Portuguese business community towards these goals”, reinforces GS1 Portugal Executive Director.

The Lean & Green program is a European initiative that GS1 Portugal represents in Portugal, with the objective of adding relevant contributions to the pursuit of the goals defined by the Paris Agreement and the Glasgow Climate Pact.

In Portugal, Intraplás joins a broad panel of participants in this initiative, which includes companies such as Delta Cafés, Nestlé Portugal, Pingo Doce, Bel Portugal, CHEP, FirstRule, Zolve, among others.

For further information about the Lean & Green project, please contact GS1 Portugal by email (, telephone (+(351) 21 752 07 40) or check the GS1 Portugal website.



About GS1 Portugal

GS1 Portugal – Codipor is the organization responsible for the introduction and management of the bar code technology in Portugal. It is a non-profit, neutral and multisectoral association governed by private law, declared as a public utility entity. Nearly 9000 companies have joined and believe in the GS1 Standards System to transform the way we work and live. We are one of the 115 member organizations of GS1 and the entity authorized to manage the GS1 System of Global Standards in Portugal.

Additional information at


About Intraplás

Founded in 1968, led by businessman and Commander Alberto Machado Ferreira and located in the North of Portugal, Intraplás is dedicated to the production and promotion of packaging solutions, with solid knowledge in Extrusion, Thermoforming and Printing. Its products are sold in more than 30 countries worldwide. Intraplás assumes a strong commitment to Sustainability in general and the circularity of its products in particular, aiming to promote carbon neutrality in its value chain, and to increase the recyclability of plastic packaging, focusing on Eco Design and incorporation of recycled polymers.